GATE (Gifted & Talented Program)

Brookhaven Elementary School provides a program committed to the enrichment of our gifted and talented students. The Brookhaven GATE program, a site-based cluster program, delivers a specialized instructional program designed to address the learning styles of students who have been identified as gifted and talented.

The goal of the GATE program at Brookhaven is to enhance learning and support the unique social and emotional development needs of GATE-identified students. GATE students are clustered together in grades 4 – 6 which allows for intellectual and social interaction with peers of similar interests and capabilities.

In the classroom, special practices, procedures, and theories are used to scaffold instruction to meet the various learning styles and needs of GATE-identified students. Students participate in differentiated learning activities that amplify and exceed grade level standards. Students have many opportunities to collaborate, think critically, and be creative during student-centered lessons. Document-based questions with evidence-based writing, socratic seminars, advanced math instruction, and collaborative technology-based projects (e.g. creating an online newspaper) are just a few examples of learning extensions used to engage GATE-identified students within the different classroom settings.

The positive environment at Brookhaven fosters an exceptional learning environment that encourages all students to strive for personal growth. Elementary school is pivotal in developing well-rounded students that are actively engaged in learning. Scaffolded instruction that is differentiated throughout the day is designed to match the individual needs of all students. At Brookhaven, the GATE cluster-based program takes teaching and learning above and beyond to develop 21st Century learners.